Книга Как разбогатеть на дивидендах. На английском языке. Get Rich With Dividends. Proven system for earning. Double digit returns. Marc Lichtenfeld. Second Edition.
Описание лота Книга "Как разбогатеть на дивидентах" На английском языке. Get Rich With Dividends. Proven system for earning. Double digit returns. Marc Lichtenfeld. Second Edition. Издательство Agora Series, твердый переплет, иллюстрации дата издания - 2015 год. Краткое описание книги на анлийском языке: Get Rich with Dividends is the bestselling dividend investing book that shows investors how to achieve double digit returns using a time tested conservative strategy. Written by a nineteen year veteran of the equity markets, this invaluable guide shows you how to set up your investments for minimal maintenance and higher returns, so you can accumulate wealth while you focus on the things that matter. Using the author's proprietary 10 11 12 system, you'll learn how to generate the income you need on a quarterly or even monthly basis. You'll discover the keys to identifying sto